
Great Place To Work: 7 Questions & Answers

Who is Great Place To Work? What is the Trust Index? What does participating in Great Place To Work look like? And what does participation yield? In this article, we answer 7 frequently asked questions.

Great Place To Work
Leestijd 3 min
1 november 2023, geüpdatet 8 januari 2024
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1. Who is Great Place To Work?

Great Place To Work helps organizations create a workplace culture based on trust. We do that by:

  • Survey. Through our Trust Index we measure trust, pride and camaraderie in organizations. This survey tells organizations what's going well and what could be better.

  • Recognition. We recognize good employers through certification and the Best Workplaces list.

  • Development. We help organizations move towards a culture of trust, for example with leadership and team coaching. 

For more than 30 years, we have known that trust is the basis for better individual performance, better team performance and better business results. Growth and innovation then follow naturally. We are part of an international network and active in more than 60 countries. 

2. What is the Trust Index?

The Trust Index is our employee survey that measures the level of trust, pride and camaraderie in your organization.It provides reliable insights and practical tools to get started with your organizational culture.

Every year we conduct the Trust Index in 10,000 organizations in more than 60 countries. Because the survey is based on universal values, it is applicable worldwide in any organization, regardless of size or industry.

The survey consists of 60 statements, 2 open-ended questions, 5 demographic questions and 3 multiple-choice questions.

3. What does participating in Great Place To Work look like?

The process consists of the following phases:

  • Preparation (± 6 weeks). This phase revolves around support, goals, internal communication and practical stuff surrounding the research. You will also meet one of our Customer Success Managers.

  • Survey (2 weeks). The employee survey is open for two weeks. Immediately after the survey closes, you'll be able to view the results online and hear whether your organization is Great Place To Work-Certified™.

  • Follow-up. Based on the results, you can engage with your employees to determine areas of improvement. During this phase, your Customer Success Manager will check in with you regularly.

  • Evaluation. We conclude the process with an evaluation, in which we look back at the baseline measurement and plan the next survey. 

4. What is the investment?

Your investment depends on the number of employees in your organization and what you want to achieve through your participation in Great Place To Work. Some organizations want to know if they meet our certification requirements. Others want in-depth insight into what's happening in the workplace. 

That's why we work with different packages. There is always a package that fits your organization and goals.

5. What is the time investment?

Participation in Great Place To Work takes a minimum of 13 to 18 hours. The more time you put in, the more participation ultimately pays off. 

  • Onboarding. Our partnership starts with an online onboarding. This appointment lasts 30 to 60 minutes. 

  • Internal communication. By communicating in advance the purpose of the survey and what it will yield, you increase support. This takes 1 to 10 hours. 

  • Preparing the employee survey in Emprising. This takes 1 to 2.5 hours. 

  • Completing the Culture Brief. In the Culture Brief, we ask for quantitative data about your organization. Depending on data availability, this takes 1 to 3 hours. 

  • Communication during research. During the survey, keep your employees informed of the response rate and encourage employees to complete the survey. This takes 1 to 2 hours. 

  • Navigation. During the online navigation, your Customer Success Manager will take you through the survey results. Navigation takes 30 to 90 minutes. 

  • Getting started with the results. This includes sharing the results, engaging with your employees, choosing focus themes and creating action plans. In a small organization this takes at least 8 hours, in larger organizations it requires more time.

6. How does certification and the Best Workplaces work?

Great Place To Work recognizes great workplaces through certification and the Best Workplaces list. 


To get certified, the following conditions apply:

  • A score of 70% or higher on the Trust Index employee survey

  • A minimum response rate based on organization size

  • A completed Culture Brief

Certified organizations may use our logo in all their communications for one year. We also offer certified organizations a stage on our website and social media.

Best Workplaces

If your organization is certified, you can participate in the Best Workplaces. The national list consists of 3 categories (small, medium and large) and is based on the Trust Index. For organizations in the large category, the Culture Audit also counts. The ranking is based on the Great Place To Work For All formula. 

Is your company on the national list? Then you also have a chance to win a spot on the list of Europe's Best Workplaces and the World's Best Workplaces.

7. What are the benefits of participation?

We see large differences in business outcomes among organizations that score high on trust, compared to those that score low:

      • Revenue growth. Organizations that score high on trust show stronger revenue growth than organizations that score low. 

      • Growth in number of employees. Organizations that score high on trust grow three times faster in number of employees than organizations that score low. 

      • More job applicants. Organizations that score high on trust attract as many as four times more job applicants than organizations that score low. 

      • Loyal employees. In organizations that score high on trust, 90% of employees say they want to continue working there for a long time. 

      • Employees as ambassadors. In organizations that score high on trust, 96% of employees recommend their organization as a great place to work to friends and family. 

      • Higher customer satisfaction. In organizations that score high on trust, 94% of employees report that customers rate their service as excellent.

What are the benefits of participating in Great Place To Work

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Book a free consultation with one of our experts and discover how we can help you build a culture of trust. 

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Met +30 jaar ervaring in 60 landen is Great Place To Work de wereldwijde autoriteit op het gebied van organisatiecultuur en goed werkgeverschap.

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