
Culture Audit™

The Culture Audit provides insight into your organization's culture and consists of six open-ended questions about trust, meaningful values, leadership, maximizing everyone's potential and innovativeness.

For large companies, the Culture Audit is a requirement to compete for Best Workplaces.

Want to get started right away? Click the button below and discover the questions, explanations and tips and download the template in which you can write your Culture Audit.


The 6 themes of the Culture Audit

The future of work is For All™

The Culture Audit's open-ended questions are based on the Great Place To Work For All™ model.

The foundation of this model is trust. A culture of trust is fueled by meaningful values and facilitated by effective leadership.

This creates an environment where everyone, regardless of who you are or what you do, can and wants to use their potential. This increases the power of innovation in an organization, which in turn leads to growth.

Best Workplaces Nederland 2022 - Content Block

Timeline 2024-2025

You can submit Culture Audit throughout the year. Here are the key dates for 2024-2025: