

Your organization is Great Place To Work-Certified™️! This certification is 100% based on the voice of your employees.

With the certification, you show that your organizational culture is based on trust, pride and fun.

Do you get the most out of your certificate?
Watch the webinar "Get the most out of your certification!" and find out what's in the digital goodie bag.
Open the goodiebag

This is what you'll get from us

This is how we share your certification

LinkedIn. Each month we share a summary of all certified organizations from the past period.

Employer page. Certified organizations deserve a spot on our website. An employer page is your business card and is seen by potential new employees. Below you can read what we need to create your employer page.

Already have an employer page and want to change or add something? Please let Tessa know.


Employer page: here's how it works

Internal communication

Achieving certification is a joint achievement that you can be proud of. Dwell on this success, celebrate it and share it with your employees.

Here's how you can share your certification internally:

  • Share the certification internally with your employees (view an example).
  • Place the Great Place To Work Certified logo in your email signature.
  • Create a video to announce the certification.
  • Choose a good time to share the certification, such as during an organization-wide meeting. Make this moment extra festive with cake or champagne, for example.

External communication

The title Great Place To Work-Certified shows that you are a good employer. This makes you attractive to potential new employees. So make use of this title in recruitment and communications.

Here's how you can share your certification externally:

  • Use the logo on your work at page and in job postings.
  • Make sure you have an employer page on our website.
  • Create even more visibility on our website by writing a guest blog about being a good employer. Please contact Michelle for this.
  • Write a press release about your organization's certification and share it with the world.
  • Share your certification on social media. It works even better to encourage your employees to share a post through their personal accounts.

Posting something on social media?

Don't forget to tag us, so we can share and spread your post in our network.